Tuesday, July 6, 2010

20 Weeks Ultrasounds

In this picture she is waiving "hi" to us! Her head turned to the right just as we took the picture, so that is why her left eye looks kind of funny.
Here's another profile shot and you can see her arm is raised in the background. During the ultrasound, we actually saw her open and close her mouth! It was so amazing!
During our ultrasound, she was kicking & punching, but in this picture she looks calm as an angel!
Another profile picture of Baby Girl Milich. Is that a little button nose I see??
Here is a profile picture of our beautiful little girl who now weighs about 11 ounces.
This picture shows one of her feet. On the left side of the picture, you will see her toes pointing up (flexed), the bottom of her foot facing left, and her heel facing down. Is her foot flat or arched??
Here she is showing us her left arm and flexing for the camera! :) Look at those muscles!
Here's another picture showing that "It's a Girl!"
This picture shows us that "It's a Girl!" We're looking at her from the bottom as if she's sitting down. Her bottom is facing the left and her two legs to the right.
Here is another picture of her hand with her palm facing us and you can see all 5 fingers.
Here is a picture of her hand. You can only see 4 fingers, but there is a thumb, it's just not visible right now.
At the top of this ultrasound, you will see the bottom of her foot with her heel pointing left and her toes pointing to the right.

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