Saturday, December 4, 2010

39 Weeks & 6 Days

This picture was taken a few minutes after my water broke, right before we left the house to head to the hospital. We thought we were going to have a laid back Friday evening watching TV and going to sleep early before my family flew in from FL the next day...... Little did we know it was going to be even better!!! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

39 Weeks

Today I am 39 weeks 3 days! My next Dr. appt is this Friday (11/19), so if she doesn't come by then, hopefully we'll set an induction date for Thanksgiving week! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

38 Weeks

Today I am 38 weeks 3 days! Mike & I are both very excited as we anticipate the arrival of our little girl! Not much longer...!!! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

37 Weeks

I am 37 weeks 4 days, and I woke up today to discover I got "cankles" overnight!! Yep... Lovely! :) I had my doctor appt 5 days ago and was told I was 1.5cm dilated! We'll see what this weeks appt brings me...!! Hopeully more exciting news!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

36 Weeks

Here I am at 36 weeks and 5 days! Starting tomorrow I go to the doctor every week until my due date! We now have the carseat in the car and hospital bag ready to go!

Monday, October 25, 2010

35 Weeks

Mom and Dad-to-be's last Wedding Reception as a family of two!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

35 Weeks

Today is 10/21, which is only 1 month away from our due date! :) The count down till "go time" officially begins!!! I'm still feeling well, just not sleeping very good at all anymore. My stomach has definitely "popped" in the last week or so! Baby M is still moving a lot, but not for much longer I'm sure as there can't be much room left!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

34 Weeks

Here I am 34 weeks and 3 days. I'm definitely feeling the weight of my belly as I go about my day. Only 5 1/2 weeks to go!!

33 Weeks

Here I am at 33 week and I'm really starting to feel like my stomach grew significantly overnight!
Baby M is definitely moving around A LOT lately, which is so fun to feel! :)

Here's Mom-and-Dad-to-be at our 3rd and final Baby Shower thrown by Joan in Duluth! Thanks to Joan and her "over-the-top" party planning ways, the Shower was absolutely beautiful and so much fun!! :) Thank you for making it extra special for our little girl!

32 Weeks

Only 8 more weeks to go! As you can see here, I'm just trying to get my Baby Shower gifts organized! :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

32 Weeks

Family picture!
Here I am with Katy & Shaba at 32 weeks! The next time I see them I'll be a Mom!! :)

31 Weeks

Here I am with Mom & Gram at my Florida Baby Shower. Thanks to Mom and all of her amazing friends, this shower will forever be a wonderful memory to me! Thanks to everyone who helped with the shower and attended - it was so fun seeing you all!
High School Reunion!! Kirb (left) is due 1/25 with a girl, I'm due 11/21 with a girl and Emille (right) is due 11/15 with a boy, Jackson. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

31 Weeks

Here I am at 31 weeks, and I swear I am using the restroom about every 30 minutes! This is ridiculous! There are about 6 pregnant girls on my floor at work and we always see each other in the restroom!! :) Looks like we're on the same schedule!

Monday, September 20, 2010

30 Weeks

My friend July just got married over the weekend and I was one of her bridesmaids! It was a beautiful ceremony & reception, but boy were my feet sore from standing by the end of the night! :) Also, I forgot to mention, last week I experienced my first Brackston Hicks contraction and I've been having them everyday since!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

30 Weeks

Only 10 more weeks to go! I'm on the home stretch and we're getting so excited to meet our little girl!
I've graduated into wearing black maternity dress pants for work as of this week and boy are they comfy!!! Why did I wait so long?? :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

29 Weeks

During this trip to the Mall, I was very excited to get to park in a special parking spot "reserved for expectant mothers!" :) Of course, I had to take a picture - little did I know that a car was waiting behind me to use the spot as I was ensuring I got the perfect picture. :)

28 Weeks

Here I am at 28 weeks and still feeling great! The tops/shirts in my current wardrobe are not quite long enough now to cover my entire belly, so I'm starting to have to invest in some maternity tops or just longer non-maternity tops. I'm still wearing non-maternity pants at this point and using the "b-band," but I'm sure this will only last another week or two before I have to buy some maternity pants.

27 Weeks

Here we are at our first (Couples) Baby Shower hosted by Kristy, Mike, Weston & Lucy Johnson as well as Julie & Gary Milich. We cannot thank them enough for throwing us such an fun & memorable shower! :) It was absolutely perfect and we didn't want the day to end!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

26 Weeks

I'm 26 weeks along here and still feeling great! Today, while at work, I was in a meeting and I could feel her move/kick. I looked down at my belly and could see my belly/shirt MOVE!! It was so cool! Clearly, I wasn't interested in what was being discussed at the meeting. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

25 Weeks

This is a picture of my friend Holly & I at her Baby Shower in Duluth last weekend. Holly is 34 weeks along, and having a baby boy on 9/25, while I am 25 weeks along, and having a baby girl on 11/21.
Here's a view from the front at 25 weeks.
And a side view. Baby girl M is moving a TON now - Mike & I love it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

24 Weeks

Now it's time to add the bedding set to the nursery (it only came with one valance, so we'll pick up another soon). :)
We did it!! Phew!! :)
We picked up our crib and now it's time to assemble it! :) The guy at the store said it was "super easy," but we're not so sure about that.... :)

23 Weeks

Here's a front view at 23 weeks. I'm still wearing my regular clothes, but not for much longer I'm sure!
I'm 23 weeks here and still feeling great! I'm starting to have trouble getting comfortable while trying to fall asleep at night, but other than that I'm enjoying my 2nd trimester!

22 Weeks

Time to paint the nursery! First coat - done!

22 Weeks

Mom & Dad pose in front of our newly decorated fireplace mantle thanks to Grandma & Grandpa's advice & help!

22 Weeks

I'm 22 weeks along here and my Mom is thinking..."My baby is having a baby!" :) Our baby girl is finally able to spend time with her grandma!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

20 Weeks Ultrasounds

In this picture she is waiving "hi" to us! Her head turned to the right just as we took the picture, so that is why her left eye looks kind of funny.
Here's another profile shot and you can see her arm is raised in the background. During the ultrasound, we actually saw her open and close her mouth! It was so amazing!
During our ultrasound, she was kicking & punching, but in this picture she looks calm as an angel!
Another profile picture of Baby Girl Milich. Is that a little button nose I see??
Here is a profile picture of our beautiful little girl who now weighs about 11 ounces.
This picture shows one of her feet. On the left side of the picture, you will see her toes pointing up (flexed), the bottom of her foot facing left, and her heel facing down. Is her foot flat or arched??
Here she is showing us her left arm and flexing for the camera! :) Look at those muscles!
Here's another picture showing that "It's a Girl!"
This picture shows us that "It's a Girl!" We're looking at her from the bottom as if she's sitting down. Her bottom is facing the left and her two legs to the right.
Here is another picture of her hand with her palm facing us and you can see all 5 fingers.
Here is a picture of her hand. You can only see 4 fingers, but there is a thumb, it's just not visible right now.
At the top of this ultrasound, you will see the bottom of her foot with her heel pointing left and her toes pointing to the right.