Thursday, August 19, 2010

26 Weeks

I'm 26 weeks along here and still feeling great! Today, while at work, I was in a meeting and I could feel her move/kick. I looked down at my belly and could see my belly/shirt MOVE!! It was so cool! Clearly, I wasn't interested in what was being discussed at the meeting. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

25 Weeks

This is a picture of my friend Holly & I at her Baby Shower in Duluth last weekend. Holly is 34 weeks along, and having a baby boy on 9/25, while I am 25 weeks along, and having a baby girl on 11/21.
Here's a view from the front at 25 weeks.
And a side view. Baby girl M is moving a TON now - Mike & I love it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

24 Weeks

Now it's time to add the bedding set to the nursery (it only came with one valance, so we'll pick up another soon). :)
We did it!! Phew!! :)
We picked up our crib and now it's time to assemble it! :) The guy at the store said it was "super easy," but we're not so sure about that.... :)

23 Weeks

Here's a front view at 23 weeks. I'm still wearing my regular clothes, but not for much longer I'm sure!
I'm 23 weeks here and still feeling great! I'm starting to have trouble getting comfortable while trying to fall asleep at night, but other than that I'm enjoying my 2nd trimester!

22 Weeks

Time to paint the nursery! First coat - done!

22 Weeks

Mom & Dad pose in front of our newly decorated fireplace mantle thanks to Grandma & Grandpa's advice & help!

22 Weeks

I'm 22 weeks along here and my Mom is thinking..."My baby is having a baby!" :) Our baby girl is finally able to spend time with her grandma!