Tuesday, June 22, 2010

17 Weeks

Here is another picture taken in Duluth the weekend of Grandma's Marathon. You can really see my belly in this picture! My friend Kate (pictured) is due just 3 weeks before me! She's going to have another baby boy!

17 Weeks

This picture was taken in Duluth the weekend of Grandma's Marathon. While I'm due at the end of November, my friend Holly (pictured) is due at the end of September and is expecting a baby boy! We will find out in just a few weeks (on July 6th) whether we're having a boy or girl!

17 Weeks

At 17 weeks, these comfy pants are my new best friends as my growing belly doesn't quite fit nicely into my wardrobe anymore! Thankfully, I haven't had to buy Maternity clothes yet because I've been using the "Beband."

16 Weeks

Parents-to-be. :)

16 Weeks

I'm now at 16 weeks, and I'm excited my "bloating" is finally starting to look like a real bump - Well, sort of!

14 Weeks

At 14 weeks, I am officially on to my second trimester. I'm still getting my workouts/runs in and feeling good! I'm at the stage where I kind of just look like I'm bloated, but our baby is just growing!!

12 Weeks

I'm now 12 weeks along and it's hard to see a bump in this picture... but I can definitely feel my body changing! Today is Mother's Day and we shared our exciting news with our families & friends!

8 Weeks Ultrasound

Baby M at 8 weeks!

8 Weeks

At 8 weeks, here we are out on the town with friends. I had laryngitis, so I used that as my excuse to not drink. It wasn't easy covering up our secret, that's for sure!

7 Weeks

I'm 7 weeks pregnant here and sporting my belly button ring, but not for much longer...! I'm excited for my belly to start to grow! Thankfully, I'm feeling great and not experiencing any morning sickness. At this time, Mike & I are the only ones that know we're expecting! It's such a big secret to keep!

4 Weeks

Here we are at Angelo's 8th Birthday Party. Just three days earlier, on St. Patrick's Day, we found out I was pregnant. :)

Florida Trip

Our trip to Florida.